Foreign in my own country


Between 1979 and 1990 16.000 Mozambicans lived and worked as contract workers in the former GDR. On their return in 1991 the mozambican people gave them a new name as a group: Madjermane. Today the Madjermane share their common memories of life in the former GDR. But more importantly than their memories, they are united by a fight against the mozambican government, claiming what is rightfully theirs and has been denied to them for 23 years…


The film “Foreign in my own country” is part of an ongoing research/film project that started in 2004 in cooperation with mozambican filmmaker David Aguacheiro. Since then we’ve accompanied the Madjermanes during their struggle against the mozambican government.

The footage used in this movie was shot in 2012. Their situation hasn’t changed much since, they are still waiting to receive their payments and are being continually put off by the government. As the years pass by though, they lost a bit of hope. In 2014 they have temporarily stopped their manifestations and many have started small businesses to pay for their living costs.


Special Mention Award – 30th Interfilm Festival Berlin

The film as part of an exhibition

Madgermanes – Mystery of Foreign Affairs


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